WELCOME to the Mt. Baker church of Christ Website!

We are simply Christians seeking to worship God according to His word. We would be delighted to have you join us!

Worship Times
Sunday Bible Class: 9:30 AM
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 AM
Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening: 7:00 PM

Evangelist: Steven J. Wallace

News & Announcements

Gospel Meeting (MAR 30 - APR 4)

J.R. Bronger (Indianapolis)

9:30 AM Sunday Bible Study, Let Not Man Separate

10:30 AM Sunday AM Worship, Running the Christian Race

6:00 PM Sunday PM Worship, The Story Continues

7:00 PM Monday, Do You Want to be Made Well?

7:00 PM Tuesday, The Conversion of Saul

7:00 PM Wednesday, When the Thorn is Not Removed

7:00 PM Thursday, What Happened to Pharaoh

7:00 PM Friday, A Family Record


Upcoming Events

  1. Bible Study
    Sunday, March 30th, 20259:30am
  2. AM Worship
    Sunday, March 30th, 202510:30am
  3. PM Worship
    Sunday, March 30th, 20256:00pm
  4. Bible Study
    Wednesday, April 2nd, 20257:00pm