Mt. Baker Beacon 2024

Mt. Baker Beacon 2024

Vol. 03, No. 40

Jarrod M. Jacobs

Gossip and slander are a two-way street! You have to have someone willing to talk and someone willing to listen for them to be successful. Gossip and slander are perpetuated because folks give those with “loose lips” their “listening ears.” One who would please God should have nothing to do with such sins. If we are going to avoid gossip and slander ...

 Have a Heart of Humility.     

The humble of heart, the one who thinks less of himself than others (Rom. 12:3), puts God first, others second, and himself last. Thus, he will not speak slanderously against God’s creation (Jas. 3:9)! The Bible records the lives of many men and women who are great examples of humility. Therefore, let us follow the examples of such worthies as Christ, Moses, Daniel, Timothy, and others, who humbly served God and guarded their tongues against speaking gossip. When humility is absent, gossip and slander soon follow. The proud person often belittles or “digs up dirt” on others to make himself look better.

Avoid Hatred of Others.

David said those who hated him were those who gossiped about him (Ps. 41:7). Yes, hatred is a strong motivator for gossip and slander. We need to remember the words of Christ, who told us to love our enemies and pray for them (Matt. 5:44). Have we been doing this? It is too easy to allow emotions to cloud sound judgment. Don’t do that!

Keep the Words We Speak to a Minimum!

How often have people gotten into trouble for “engaging their mouth before their brain was in gear”? Let us not be hasty to speak. Instead, let us heed the words of Solomon, who said, “Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.... Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin...” (Ecc. 5:2, 6). How wise were the words of Solomon that remind us to keep our words to a minimum (Prov. 10:19)! May we live the words of David, who said, “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips” (Ps. 141:3).

Reserve Our Ears for Listening to the Truth.

Gossip and slander are useless when folks refuse to listen! Let us not give any ground for that. Our minds need to be filled with that which is lovely, pure, truthful, virtuous, praise-worthy, etc. (Phil. 4:8). The sins of gossip and slander are the opposite of that. Let us avoid them!  

Remember, if we listen to those who gossip and slander, God will not find us guiltless! We must not waste time listening to this garbage! Just imagine how gossip and slander would be severely diminished if the “listeners” stopped listening!


Gossip and slander are insidious problems we face. Therefore, let us avoid these sins with all we have! As James says, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jas. 1:19). If we are going to please God in word as well as in deed (Col. 3:17), gossip, and slander must never cross our lips! Let us put into practice the rules we have learned so that we will be the kind of people God would have us to be - pure in thought, word, and deed! Be warned: “He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool” (Prov. 10:18).




1 Corinthians 15:45-49


“masc. proper name, the biblical name of the first man, progenitor of the human race, from Hebrew adam ‘man,’ literally ‘(the one formed from the) ground’ (Hebrew adamah ‘ground’); …"[1]


Proverbs 22:1, “A good name is to be chosen rather than ___________ ___________, Loving favor rather than silver and gold” (NKJV).

  1. What are the various ways in which the name 'Adam' is used in Scripture, and what significance do these usages hold?

  2. According to the book of Genesis and 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, who was the very first man in human history?
  3. How does 1 Corinthians 15:45-47 reveal the connection between Adam and Jesus, and is it possible to dismiss the historical reality of Adam in Genesis while maintaining belief in the New Testament's teaching about Jesus?
  4. How is Adam a type of Christ (Rom. 5:14)?


THOUGHT QUESTION: Where does the Greek word for “type” show up again in Romans, and how can “all men” access the free gift spoken of in Romans 5:18?



1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

This outline continues our examination of Hebrews 4:12. As we explore this powerful verse together, let's uncover the four significant markings that reveal the profound impact of God’s Word in our lives.


  1. The Word of God is _____LIVING_______.

Its message imparts life, grows, saves souls, abides forever, and is God-breathed (Lk. 8:11; Jas. 1:21; Acts 19:20; 1 Pet. 1:23-25; 2 Tim. 3:16).

  1. The Word of God is ____________________.

Isaiah 55:11, “So shall My ____________ be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me ____________, But it shall ____________ what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (NKJV)

  1. The Word of God is ____________________.
    1. What does the Word of God pierce, and what does this mean?
    2. Identify some areas of a man’s life where the Word pierces with truth.

  2. The Word of God is a ____________________.

[1] Harper, D. (n.d.). Adam. Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved October 3, 2024, from