Mt. Baker Beacon Archives 2022-2024

Mt. Baker Beacon Archives 2022-2024

Vol. 03, No. 37


Jarrod M. Jacobs

A good friend once talked with me about teaching bulletins such as the one he was writing. As we talked about the value of such teaching tools, he said, “I consider teaching bulletins an extension of the pulpit.” I thought that was a fair assessment, for I feel the same. I hope our dear readers see that this teaching tool is but an extension of the pulpit.

What is meant by that statement? First, let us understand that one of the definitions for “extend” is: “to enlarge the scope of, or make more comprehensive...” (Webster’s). The point is that this bulletin is written to enlarge the scope or make more comprehensive, what is being taught in the pulpit. It is my prayer that this bulletin will always do this.

I realized that the bulletin is just one extension of the pulpit. What are some other “extensions of the pulpit”? Let us find out.

Bible Study at Home

When we hear preaching that stresses the need for studying our Bible and “handling aright the word of truth” (II Tim. 2:15), do we take this home with us? Personal Bible study is necessary to grow and mature spiritually (Heb. 5:12-14; II Pet. 3:18). This is why it is stressed often from the pulpit. The preacher cannot study for others (II Tim. 2:15). He tries to teach and instruct (II Tim. 4:2) because he cannot learn “for” anyone, either! Learning involves a personal commitment, and it demands we spend personal time studying God’s will. Have we “extended” the pulpit to include spending time in God’s book at home?

Private Talks with Friends

When we are encouraged to take God’s message to our friends, neighbors, and family who are lost (Mk. 16:15; II Tim. 2:2), do we make the application to ourselves? Sometimes, it is because we have earned the confidence and respect of certain ones that we have an open door 

for teaching them the gospel. Others may not be able to enter this “door,” but the one who knows them can!

Think about it: Who brought Simon Peter to Christ (Jn. 1:40-42)? Who was it that brought Nathaniel to the Lord (Jn. 1:45-46)? When Peter came to Cornelius’ house, who was there, and how did they know Peter was coming (Acts 10:24)? These examples stress, among other things, the spiritual good that can be done when one shows an interest in another’s soul. Are we “extending (i.e., enlarging the scope of) the pulpit” in this way?

Raising Your Children

The man in the pulpit can only do so much for you and your children. This stems from the fact that the preacher sees your children (perhaps) 2-3 hours per week at most. Yet parents, you have your children the rest of the time. What are they taught at home? Shouldn’t they see godliness and influence in our lives? Paul said, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Eph. 6:4). Parents, isn’t reminding your children of a sermon or lesson learned in class just one way you could be “teaching and admonishing”? Another way to teach our children is simply by applying what has been taught so that our children see us changing to make our lives fit into Christ’s mold (Matt. 5:16; Jas. 1:22-25).

To be continued…
(Adapted from “The Old Paths,” Vol. 30:29.)

Just A Thought or Two

“Every man must decide for himself whether he shall master his world or be mastered by it.” – J. C. Penney




2 Timothy 1:7-12


  1. Rather than being ashamed, what does Paul call Timothy to do (2 Tim. 1:8)?
  2. To what was Paul appointed, and why was he not ashamed of his suffering (2 Tim. 1:11, 12)?
  3. List some things that grace persuaded in Paul’s life.


Luke 16:19-31, THE RICH MAN:

  1. Lived in ____________________________ (16:19).
    What did this blind him to?
  2. Died in ____________________________ (16:22).
    What did we carry into this life, and what will we carry out (1 Tim. 6:7)?
  3. Awakened in ____________________________ (16:23, 24).
    Where are spiritual blessings found (Eph. 1:3, 7)?
  4. Learned in ____________________________ (16:25, 26).
    When should we strive to comprehend the fullness of our error?
  5. When is the time to learn and correct our errors?



Luke 16:27-31


  1. What does the rich man think will persuade his five lost brothers, and what could be a hidden motivation for such a request?
  2. By what do we walk, and through what are we persuaded (2 Cor. 5:7-11)?
  3. Although some believed in Jesus, what were they unwilling to do
    (Jn. 12:42, 43)?
  4. According to Jesus, who is a wise man (Matt. 7:24ff)?
  5. What persuaded 3000 souls to be baptized (Acts 2:41)? Was it the sensational sound of rushing wind or explaining Holy Scripture
    (cf. Acts 2:1-38)?
  6. What did Paul understand Agrippa to believe (Acts 26:27, 28)?
  7. What did Paul use to persuade others (Acts 28:23-28)?


Are you persuaded to follow Jesus? Why?