Mt. Baker Beacon Archives 2022-2024
Vol. 01, No. 02 Oct 23, 2022
Your word is a lamp to my feet Mount Volume 01, Number 02 Published by Location: Sunday: Web site:
| In this issue: Television-Boon or Bane? On "Eight is Enough" the oldest son lived with his wife before they were married, and the middle son made a girl pregnant out of wedlock. If I am not mistaken, the son on :'Family" was arrested for being at a "gay" bar. And "James at Sixteen" lost his virginity. These television programs were advertised as "family shows." And the people of the world had the audacity to declare that such entertainment is good because it presents controversial issues in a "sensitive" way. The only decent way to present fornication, adultery, and homosexuality is to condemn them openly and boldly. The primary source of education in this country is not the schools. The number one baby-sitting institution is not the daycare center. The first form of casual information children have is not their peer group. All of these things are provided by television. Parents, what are your children learning as they watch the television? Are they learning to love the Lord with all their heart, fear God, keep Christ's commandments, do good unto all men, abhor that which is evil, and live a righteous life? Or are they learning about Boy George, who shot J.R., "Falcon Crest," and the exploits of the cast on "Dynasty"? This is not intended as a blanket condemnation of television. I have a television set in my house and use it, occasionally. We can keep informed on the world about us via the news. We can relax by watching the few decent shows left. There are programs which help children learn basic educational skills in a fun manner. And some churches of Christ have even used the television as a means of preaching the gospel. But there is much on television that is ungodly and immoral. And too many of us are letting this moral garbage flow into our living rooms almost constantly, with little or no supervision whatever, where it is filling the minds of impressionable children with things that really are not fit for adults to watch. Brethren, we need to wake up, smell the bacon, and exercise our option of using the off switch. "Now it is high time to awake out of sleep. . . . The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light" (Rom. 13:11-12). Guardian of Truth XXIX: 19, p. 586 The Moon: A Strong Argument for Creation Have you ever wondered where the Moon came from? Those of us who believe in the Bible know the answer to this question. God created the moon on the fourth day (Gen. 1:14-19). However, atheists must come up with other explanations that do not include God. In an article titled Earth’s Moon is Rare Oddball (from, Nov. 20, 2007), Dave Mosher points out the fact that our moon is unique when compared to the moons of other planets. In his article, he explains how some scientists believe our moon came into existence. Shortly after the sun formed about 4.5 billion years ago, scientists think a vagrant planet as big as Mars smacked into infant Earth and ripped off a chunk of our home’s smoldering mantle. The rocky, dusty leftovers fell into orbit around our wounded planet, eventually coalescing into the moon we see today. Mosher continues, “The scenario is unique among other moons in the solar system, which formed side-by-side with their planet or were captured by its gravity.” Indeed, our moon is an oddity. Of the four inner planets (those planets closest to the Sun), only Earth and Mars have moons. The outer planets have numerous moons. The two moons orbiting Mars (believed to be asteroids that were captured by the planet’s gravitational pull) are very small compared to the size of our moon. If one were to examine the solar system, our moon certainly would “stick out” like a sore thumb. However, science has proven that this planetary oddity actually plays a vitally important role in supporting life upon this planet. The moon is primarily responsible for our tides. The tides generate a large-scale circulation that keeps the oceans from becoming stagnant. The tides also allow nutrients from the continents to be flushed out into the oceans, keeping them nutrient-rich and able to support life. Any scientist will tell you that life is dependent upon water. The moon has a positive impact upon the largest bodies of water on our planet. Also, in 1993 it was discovered that the moon is responsible for stabilizing the tilt of the Earth’s axis. This tilt of 23.5 degrees is what gives us our seasons. In the summer months, the northern hemisphere is pointed toward the sun. Six months later, it is pointed away from the sun. Because of the stability of this tilt, we can expect the seasons to change throughout the year. The farmer knows when to plant, and can expect a growing season and a harvest. If this tilt were not fixed, we would have prolonged periods of extreme weather. No one would be able to grow food. In fact, with extreme tilts in the earth’s axis, large areas of the planet would be in total darkness for months, or even years, at a time. Imagine the effect of the North Pole temporarily relocating to someplace like Chicago! The moon gives our planet the stability that it needs to sustain life. What the scientific community calls “unique,” the Bible-believing Christian sees as evidence for a Creator. The evolutionist explains our moon’s formation as the result of a planetary collision; an accident, a mistake. I suggest that, instead, God gave our unique planet exactly what it needed in order for it to sustain life. Not only are we “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14), but so is our planet, along with its moon. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Ps. 19:1). The next time you look at the moon in the night sky, remember that it is there for a reason. It is an ever-present reminder of God’s wisdom, design and purpose. The Fire that is Never Quenched If you’ve spent any time outside over this past week, you will notice that the air quality has dropped dramatically due to the wildfires raging about in Washington state. According to a headline by USA Today on Friday, “Seattle ranks worst worldwide for air quality, for a second day, due to ‘widespread’ wildfire smoke.” Thankfully, God sent rain that has helped to clear up the hazardous conditions. While these fires can be quenched, Jesus warns us of a fire that will never be quenched (Mark 9:43-48). Hell is a real place that God prepared for the devil and his angels for everlasting punishment (Mt. 25:41). By faith, we look ahead to the judgement day where all of mankind will be judged before the Lord. To those on His right hand who did the Father’s will, He will welcome into the Heaven, a place prepared for those faithful to Him. To those on His left hand who did not do the Father’s will, He will cast into the everlasting fire, also called Hell. God will not send rain to quench this fire, nor will there be any hope of the flame subsiding. Only weeping and gnashing of teeth resides there (Mt. 8:12, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30). Hell is a high price to pay and eternity is a long time to suffer constant regret for having lived for self instead of for the true and living God. If your name has not been written in the Book of Life, a place of anguish awaits you (Rev. 20:14-15). Is now not the time to know God and to obey the good news of Jesus Christ, before He returns with His mighty angels to take vengeance on those who disobey? (2 Thess. 1:8-10) Created by Chuck Sibbing, last updated. 11/13/2022 The Mount Baker Beacon is a weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA. |